Oh where, oh where can it be?
I'm confounded by this conundrum: Ostensibly, the days-getting-longer approaching springtime should instill a vigour and energy, wherein my knitting-self desires nothing better than said craft, and there exists oodles of time upon which to work with the yarnny magic.
But by some devious workings of the universe, I come home everyday, perform what I believe to be the tasks I always have, and suddenly it's sleepytimes for me.
And so another week begins in the CanaryHomestead, with renewed goals and ever-growing lists of To-Do. I think topping the list is discovering where that off-switch exists, that one that makes your mind stop racing and jumping and shouting ideas at you while you try to fall to a slumber. (maybe it's that switch by my kitchen door which, seemingly, has no detectable purpose!)
/end whining
My Curious Minds Want To Know:
If you were going to knit yourself a wedding shawl*, which pattern would you choose?
I have a few ideas stowed away so far:

This pretty shawl has been on my to-knit list since it was published in Knitty last spring. Something about those cool little curving end-bits really intrigues me, and I think it looks real purdy. I particularly enjoy how it's got two sizes in the pattern to choose from (I prefer the smaller).
The triangular shape isn't usually my bag, but in this instance, I believe I can live with it.
Oh, the sacrifices one makes for beautiful fashion.

Also by the same designer, and published in this spring's Knitty, Aeolian is mondo rawkin. It's got some of the same great design elements as Laminaria, and added to the fun is the suggestion of adding beads to the knit itself. I like the intricacy of the floral edging. Would look pretty dramatic when spread out, across one's shoulders.
Methinks it might also make for a pretty elegant scarf to wear after the nuptials are all said and done.

Luna Moth Shawl
This shawl, being of a simpler lace repeat, is a lot less intimidating. Not that I've never knit lace before, but I'm not used to knitting to actual, real life deadlines. Given, I do have over a year to knit this baby, but I've been known to procratiknit. It's certainly not unheard of (ahem - Bee Sweater been on the needles for like, two years! *cough*cough)

Snow Peacock
This guy is a bit different - the whole wrappy thing taken to another level. I like the wide undulations along the bottom edge. I'm also a fan of the feather-like qualities of the lace pattern.
It's particularly appropriate, since the full title of the knit is Snow Peacock Bridal Veil.
The designer, Tonks who you've probably heard of, has some kickass knits to her design-name.

In The Pink
A cute shawl such as this must be knit at some point - just not sure if it's got the right, "tone", for a wedding shawl. What d'ya think?
I really love the swirls, and like the knit above, I enjoy the wrap-around-your-shoulders design.

Like the Snow Peacock above, I dig the feathery quality of the lace design.
My mind, she's no made up.
*shawl can be substituted for stole, wrap, or any other kind of lacey prettiness which one can drape and/or wrap around oneself in an artful and, dare I say, graceful manner.