Designer: Megan Rogers
Blog: Dulle Griet
Rav ID: dullegriet
Some Great Designs: dullegriet's Rav Design Page
What this designer can do with fair isle!
If you scan her projects page you'll see a sea of colour and cables. Beautiful colours and temptingly textured cables!
To begin: her lovely maize scarf has given me yet another reason to buy two hanks of Malabrigo Silky Merino.
While this scarf is a lovely example of design, I think her insightful use of colour is demonstrated well in the eye-catching Bobby's Garden blanket. It's quite an adaptable pattern as well, containing instructions for various sizes.
Another lovely is her Flyte Fair-Isle Pullover. I love the sleeves... love the deep ribbing... love the dancing hues of fair-isle happiness... and I looooove the neckline! (and I've got some love for the pics in the pattern, you know, those ones with the camelid creatures).
Pictured above is the design that first caught my eye, the gorgeous Truffle Cardigan. Dullegriet has generously posted this pattern tutorial for free. The delicate scallop edging complements the textured body and twining cables so wonderfully! This one has been on my list for a long time. It's rare when I find a cardigan/sweater with long sleeves that I wouldn't alter into shorter ones. This is one that I wouldn't change at all!
If you find yourself in Portsmouth, NH, you can pop by Macroscopic (a shop which provides "Distinctive Gifts for the Home and Body") and see some of her hand-knits in person.
I had of course seen her gorgeous Truffle sweater faved all over ravelry, but I had no idea of all the fair isle goodness she had going on, too! Thanks for highlighting her work!
- Julie
Wowza -- her designs are gorgeous! I am absolutely in love with the Truffle Cardigan. How pretty is that edging?!
I'd seen Truffle before, but never really given this designer a closer look - thanks for the heads up! :0)
What great designs. Thanks for pointing me to them.
Another great designer! I love her latest Fair Isle piece. :)
My package arrived, my package arrived, my package arrived!!!! YEA!!! Thank you so much for my sweet little gifts from your house (and blog) to mine! It's so much fun to find a package in your mailbox!!! I love every little treasure in it! Thank you!!!!!
Thanks for a great blog!
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