Tuesday, August 04, 2015

Holla Knits Mini Collection Competition!

 photo HKMiniComp220_zpsszsllcyn.jpg 
I'm excited to announce that I'm taking part in the cool new competition over on Holla Knits.

8 designers enter: only 2 are victorious!

This is a competition where 8 designers have created proposals that YOU get to vote on.
Two of these proposals will be produced in the Spring Holla Knits issue.

Cool idea, eh?

So if you hop over to this link you can see all 8 designer's proposals.
For this, the first round (from Aug 3-13) you can vote as many times as you like (but only once per day).
You don't know what designer has proposed what designs!

Can you guess which is mine?
I can't tell you!

But please vote!

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