ARRRR me fellow knitting pirateers! Today not only be
Talk Like a Pirate Day, but it also be ME BIRTHDAY!
(be assured next Friday the Indie Designer Day will return)*Grins*
In the past few days, I've received a couple neato internet funnesses. First came a meme, and second, an award!
Here's the meme.
The rules:
1) Link to the person who tagged me:
NessaRenee2) Mention the rules
3) Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular details about myself
4) Tag 6 other bloggers by linking to them
5) Go to each person’s blog and leave a comment that lets them know they’ve been tagged
I won't be officially tagging anyone; I'd just like to blanket-nominate all who can actually make it through the riveting informational tidbits that I'll be listing about meself below-heres:

1) I've never broken any bones, nor sprained a damn thing. These are the fruits of a life based upon the glorification of inactivity.
2) I hate the maths, and my existence is based on running away from them and being able to prove to my dad that I haven't died and been eaten by ravenous wolves and vicious vultures because I dropped math as soon as I could.
3) I'm not a big fan of cake. Cakey-cake. Cheesecake gets full points for being delicious and heart-stopping. But cake, as in, birthday cake! - is not for me. Ever since my opinion on the subject mattered, I've chosen alterna-cakes for my birthdays (ice cream cake, cheesecake and most recently, simply my favourite sweets).
4) I've recently bought the perfect dress in the universe. Perfect for me, that is. (Pictured Left.) I don't think I've ever had such a "oh sweetness, this is awesome!" experience in a change room before.
5) I feel entirely wrong if I'm not always doing
something. For example, I rarely actually
watch tv. I'm always knitting something whilst it's droning and/or yelling at me.
6) And, in a nice little summing up: I talk to my tv. Besides my mother, I've never met a single person who employs such frequent and liberal use of the mute button as I. I take it as a personal insult that commercials/shows/etc... try to pawn off imbecillic ideas on me, as though I'll swallow that crap. They rely on you not paying attention to what they're saying. So MUTE the BASTARDS! (I also have a unique talent for getting my own dander up.)
And also, a few days ago the wonderful
Team Knit (specifically Julie!) nominated me for this adorable ribbon.
I'm very flattered!

The ribbon always had such wondrous awe attached to it for me as a child. You got them (if so lucky/talented) in dance and skating. Piano was all about the pretend-frameable certificate of completion; Guides and swimming the badges.
But I digress...
The rules are:
1- Post the award on your blog.
2- Add a link to the person who gave you the award
3- Nominate at least 4 other bloggers and add their links
Nominees, simply in alphabetical order:
Another Shop Girl (because her knits are always so interesting and fashionable)
Green Apples (because I love her wonderful use of colour - in knits and most recently in paints!)
Juicy Knits (because she always chooses the same knits that I've in mind to knit too - and they look so great on her)
Longhorn Diva (because she has fantastic taste and has introduced me to so many knits that are exactly to my taste)
So Knit Picky (because she's always so elegant!)
The Yarniad (because many reasons, but just for today I'll say that it's because it's her birthday too!!)
4- Leave a comment at the recipients’ blogs so they can pass it on.
Merci beaucoup to all. Have an extra of whatever it is you like, and the
explanation excuse justification reason is because it's CanarySanctuary's birthday, and she said I could.
Birthdays give you incredible omnipotent powers. I'll have to try climbing walls and leaping a few tall buildings.