Here is the beginning of a fabric stash, currently hiding out in this, my new blue sewing basket and wicker basket.

So far, the basket has my mostly finished first (and rather sad) attempt at cross-stitch.

Some pre-cut scraps from the Quilt Rack. Truly, I'm just a magpie.

Not that I've ever sewn anything in my life, but I'm rather ambitious. Good for a first project?

Already I'm sensing a colour tendency here. Who'd have thought brown would be so delightful?
This is, unfortunately, just a scrap, destined for a quilt. I wish I had the skill and yardage to make something wearable with this. It's my favourite so far.
Thanks for the encouragement!
S, the Quilt Rack is on Wilson Street, just past the Needle Emporium. It's in a little mini-mall with a Timmy Ho's and other places (I think it's next to a wine-making place). I really like going in there :)
Sewing, hm? Then I guess I could pack some fabric into that package as well, right? I'm sure I'll find something nicely brown. :)
Brown fabric? Yes please! :)
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