Hi all!
Please be assured that the recent appearance of a "for pay" pattern does not, in any way, mean that I won't be publishing free ones any longer.
I have benefited a great deal from all the wonderful free knitting resources online, and am honoured and very proud to be able to bring a bit of my own brain-creations to everyone on the interwebs and share them for free.
A lot of time and effort goes into creating knitting patterns. My decision to charge for Dolce and not for others is based on these factors.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact me.
I completely support your decision. Kudos for all the free patterns, but good for you for trying to earn something for your hard work. I hope it pays off!
I am actually amazed that you offered your patterns for free for so long just because they are so great. But it is awesome of you to do that. I also support the decision to make a pattern for pay. :)
You have added a ton to the knitting world for free. I hope you're not getting crap for charging what your work and effort is worth.
Thanks for that! :)
It's great you are willing to share your high quality patterns with the rest of us for free. A lot of people wouldn't do that. & I can't thank you enough that you do!
You deserve to make some money for your hard work & great products now & then. You've set up a good system! (I plan on purchasing the Dolce pattern in the future!)
I really admire your talent & inspiration & only hope that one day I'll be able to do what you do. :)
Sounds good to me! I, like others, am surprised you haven't sold some of your other designs. Your contribution to knitting patterns (free or no) is pretty inspiring :)
I think this is a difficult decision for most designers. I know struggle with it every time I create a new pattern. I think you're going about it the right way though. :)
Love the new-look!
I fully support your decision! You deserve to make some cash on your amazing designs! You have been extremely generous to offer the fruits of your hard work for free for so long. Oh, and I like the new look of the site, too!
I think it's completely justifiable to charge for a pattern. You spend so much time and effort creating something, you should be rewarded monetarily, especially during these tough times. I think most people will understand.
I defintely agree with this decision! Your patterns are wonderful, and once I get my queue straightened out I plan on purchasing Dolce. :)
Good decision, you deserve to earn some cash for your fabulous designs. Great re-design of your blog too!
I agree that it's amazing you even offer your patterns for free. You have so much publicity from all of your great projects on ravelry that you should turn your hobby into a money-making endeavor- no guilt, no shame. :)
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