Designer: May
Esty Shop: Ohmay Designs
Rav ID: ohmay
Some Great Designs: ohmay's Rav Designer Page
In light of the upcoming changing-of-the-seasons, I thought it might be nice to feature a designer who's creations are beautiful, decorative floral whimsies!
Pictured right is Poppy, an interesting combination of different yarn-types. I'm particularly taken by the (what I believe is) funfur stamen.
May also has flower necklaces; Does He Love Me is a very pretty daisy, made even more interesting by its lack of petals on one side, seemingly having been picked off while repeating that childhood refrain "loves me, loves me not". I love it when a knit has a narrative!
I love May Ho! I used her patterns to make my wedding bouquet, boutonnieres, and other miscellaneous items! She's great!
Oh how pretty! So perfect for Valentine's day. I bet those lovely knitted flowers are a great way to use up scraps of yarn, too.
May does some truly gorgeous work! Her "loves me" flower lariats are darling!
May makes all these designs up in her head - she's a yarn genius!
Oh wow those are so beautiful!
Very lovely. Thanks for bringing her to our attention.
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