Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Indie Designer Days and Revisits

Lovely readers,

It's been seven and a half years since I begun writing indie designer day posts. I can't believe it! It certainly doesn't feel like it's been that long. The first IDD post was Kai Mistry, in August of 2008. At the top of that post I explained this new series:

This is the first in an ongoing, weekly "featurette" wherein I'll profile a favourite indie designer and why they're great. There's an incredible abundance of creativity and talent on these interwebs, and I've discovered a lot of it by happy accident. I'd like to give some knit-love to these people, and share with any and all who read this here bloggy.

I've really loved writing these posts. Over the years, it introduced me to many kind, talented people. It provided me with the inspiration to keep designing. And I hope it shared more about these wonderful people with you all.

Because I'd been writing these IDD posts for so long, I was able to see some of those "new" designers develop their portfolio and gain greater attention in our community; they accomplished great things, and I wanted to revisited them and share their hard work. That's when I started the Indie Designer Revisit posts; the first IDR post was way back in January 2011 with The Yarniad.

Writing these posts takes quite a lot of time. I search through various indie designer groups on Ravelry for eye catching designs. I always contact the designer to ask permission. I look at their whole portfolio, discover their style and interests. I choose a few specific patterns that I think really encapsulate their aesthetic. I select one in particular to highlight in a photograph. And then I finally write the post.

I do love IDD and IDR, but with the recent success of the Great Northern kickstarter, I've become much shorter on time. Producing Great Northern will take the majority of my design time over the next year, so I've made the decision to put the IDD and IDR posts on hold.

There's an IDR post lined up for November. That will be the last one for a while.

Never fear: you can still access a list of all the IDD and IDR posts.

Thank you to everyone for your support of this feature over the years! I know it's been a favourite of yours, and I'm so pleased to have produced something that has been enjoyed by this wonderful community of ours!


Katinka said...

Thanks for doing the Indie Designer spotlights as long as you have! I've enjoyed reading them, and it was a massive thrill when you asked to spotlight me. I completely understand, though, that there are only so many hours to go around. Really looking forward to your book!

Teresa said...

Thank YOU Katinka! I can't write the IDD posts without great designers like you!

Ecochic said...

I really like these posts; they open my eyes to some really great fibre designers.

If you want to broaden your horizons, maybe sewing designers, too? I know you like to hit the odd great self-made dress.

Or maybe fibre dyers and spinners?