The latest on the needles at the sanctuary.
I've always been fascinated with symbolism and colour.
To me, colour theory is interesting.
Perusing my list of FOs from 2007, it seems my overwhelming favourite is orange. Yellow's a close second. I've a thing for fire, I suspect.
Do you have any colour that you cling to like a particularly stubborn barnacle? Any theories as to why?
oooh is that another uneck sweater on the needles? i've been wanting to make another vest version since my first worked up so quickly but it didn't fit quite right.
It is another U-neck. This time I'm modding it extensively. More details to come!
Um... that's not "at the sanctuary." That's at my cafe o'knitterly fun. You can see my arm there. I look great in blue. Now that's the power of color.
But I like the colors of the sweater. I like our impromptu color discussions more.
I always think that I'm switching up my colors, but in reality there's a redish/purple thing that seems to be going on with my knit pieces. Strange since I never buy those colors.
I like red, but I constantly pick up yarn in blues...don't know why...
Green. Lots and lots of green. And blues. I'm a Capricorn, we're sea goats, it's the earth and water thing. Maybe a little more earth, though.
Guess I have to say blue/purple always calls to me... I have many comments from fellow knitterati about the amount that I knit in these colours..... why change it? I look great in it!
ilix,I must admit that I knit with the colours I do because I believe they look good on me. And, consequently, I feel good in them.
There have been the odd yarn purchase or two that went outside my colours (why, I'm not sure. I was yarn-high), and I've either given these ones away, or have them languishing in the stash.
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