Currently undergoing their moult, the normally loud-mouthed bastards have fallen silent and are concentrating on regenerating their plumage.
This yellow-bellied quietude has had an effect on productivity here at the sanctuary,
as well as a renewed adoration for etsy and all the lovely jewellery therein. (Truthfully, I'm not sure how these events are interrelated, but for the purposes of this post I'll assume that they are).
This painting was inspired by a print from that great bastion of beauty.
and a little ribbon detailing along the outside edge:
And I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to this beauty of a necklace.
See seller here.
And this one.
See seller here.
Oh yeah, and this one too.
See seller here.
I've reconciled myself to the fact that etsy and I are in a long-term relationship that involves periods of intense adoration sandwiched between eons of indifference.
On to the knitting!:
I've flown (hardy-har-har) through the little green cardigan I'm calling Lovegood. It's blocking.
I refuse to take blocking pics.
My photography skillz are not such that I can make said images in any way visually interesting.
Though the humidity is purported to get to obscene heights in the next few days, I hope some savvy ceiling-and-oscillating-fan usage will accelerate dry-time.
In other yarn news:
I have (once again) enhanced the stash to include some creamy-coloured Cascade 220 for a second go-round with Corona. I've never used this yarn before. Any thoughts? It passed the "rub against the wrists & neck test" for itchiness, and seems to be just about the right softness. And at a third of the price (truly, I did the math) I suppose I shouldn't expect the elegant beauty of Dream in Color.
In season-appropriate knit news:
I've got the next-on-the-needles-knit in mind. A halter with that gorgeous scarlet bamboo yarn from Alchemy. I'm thinking flowy and skimpy. Do those two go together? Or is it some kind of terribly oxymoronic statement like "romantic and tarty"?
And, in forcibly-dragging-my-sad-ass-to-the-couch-to-knit-it news:
My personal deadline for finishing the cable-swallowing Lucania vesty thingy I've got languishing on the needles is this Friday. We shall see.
Some amazing finds! I absolutely love the large leaf necklace. It will be perfect for setting off a scoopy-neck handknit.
Poor little canary dudes! How long does their moult last?
It's supposed to last something like a month to a month and a half. They should be getting back to normal in a week or two. I will say that I've enjoyed being able to sleep a little while longer in the mornings!
That leaf necklace is stunning!
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