Here's me as a baby Canary and my ma.
*this technique is just photocopying pics, taking some cotton fabric, painting however-you-like (on the fabric and a leetle bit on the pic), and adding gel medium over top to seal the sucker in. It comes out all stiff, of course, but it's meant to be a wall-hanging, and not a functional item.
Have a super-happy weekend. I'm off on a wee jaunt, and should be back to show off an FO la semaine prochaine.
Oh yeah, and I might have some other news too.
Ohh that is a lovely piece to give as a present! Your mum will be pleased. :)
Nifty! I like how the sepia tones in the photo are heightened by the yellow fabrics around it.
Say, you mention you have a Hum degree. You didn't by any chance get a BHum at Carleton, did you? If you did, I'm a fellow Humanihippy!
Very nice! This is a thoughtful present I am sure Maman Canary will appreciate.
Bonne balade!
What a beautiful and meaningful gift! I'd love to see more of your quilted creations.
And I feel your Humanities pain...
Ohh - that is wonderful! I'm a quilter too. If only you had shared sooner - I may have tried to fit that into my hand-made Mama's Day gift list for my Mother. lol.
Fantastic for sure!
awwww that's so adorable!
Oooh, cool!
So cute! And a very great idea.
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