The cold, cold outsides have gotten me all keyed up to cuddle with the fuzzy, fuzzy yarn I've been covetously making plans with for over two years now. Yes, two of them. So the anticipation and stakes are high (I'm not sure more of this sweet yarn can be found!) Also, it's a fibre content I've never worked with (being 100% angora), so the learning curve will be steep.
In no surprise, the poll I posted about days ago has the results that most people prefer to make sweaters, followed by cardigans. I must thank the 30-some-odd voters.
SO what the hell is it?
Impatience! My goodness.
Thats not an answer....
BTW, my word verification was "fomoe," how cool is that?
Haha, fomoe :) I never get anything cool.
Angora is sooo warm! If you make a whole sweater of it, you might be able to wear it only outdoors, as it is one of the warmest fibres...just ask my bunnies!! Even in the minus temps they can keep nice and warm playing outside. :)
I look forward to seeing what you're doing with it :)
Thanks so much yowlyy. I love your bun-avatar there. A pet?
Yes, my avatar is BillieBun, who sadly passed away last year in September :( If you want to see more of her, check my houserabbits' pics.
Have a lovely Sunday and happy knitting!
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