Saturday, August 01, 2009

Stash Diving; Or, What's Lurking in the Deep Dark Depths continues the tale of the Stash Diving Adventures of one Canary Sanctuary - when forced by economic forces unseen into digging for fibrey gold in her own backyard...

Gadzooks, it's been ages since I've even thought about this stash-redux attempt!
But, since there's been some progress, I wanted to give everyone an update re: this particular yarnny re-discovery.Photobucket
The Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool has been sitting on my coffee table nigh on three months now, resolutely being ignored by meself. My wholehearted attempts to project-focus and actually complete designs has produced a dissatisfaction and reluctance to knit that has only just recently been traced back to this aforementioned wholehearted project-focussing attempt.

But oh, when I got my hands on this other yarn, it was like an illicit affair! I was off and running (or knitting/betraying...procrastinating!?)
While superfluous punctuation may not serve to sufficiently illustrate my enthusiasm on beginning this lanolinic liaison, perhaps this teaser progress photo will.
This is how I spent my lunch today - sitting in the sun, tossing cookie crumbs to the cute sparrows, and getting a knit on this project (which I've happily titled Campaniform.*)

With only two hanks of this yarn I embarked on a chancy and froggingly-frightening mission. Now, I'm within an inch (or two, and - if I'm lucky to have enough yarn - three) of completion!

I now put a call out: does anyone know where a knitter can get herself some small, fuzzy-fabric-covered leopard print buttons? Or ribbon? My own brief interwebs search proved fruitless. It's a rarity indeed for eBay and Etsy to let me down, but my surfings today have failed.

*I can't tell you how much fun I've had with this site.


Wanderingcatstudio said...

If I'm not wrong you live in the Hamilton area... have you tried Ottawa Street? The Nova store usually has a good selection of buttons and ribbons

Samurai Mom said...

You can make your own with some leopard fabric and a covered fabric buttong kit at the fabric store

Anonymous said...

maybe I like their selection. How exciting to see your stash diving

Jessica said...

Have you tried some of the button stores down by Spadina and Queen West? They have a lot of different ones.

Hilary said...

Ooh...I can't wait to see more! Unfortunately, I have no special suppliers of fuzzy leopard buttons to share. :( But I'll poke around the internets later...

Diana said...

Mmm...a button request that might require some crafty solution. There are cloth button makers available at the fabric store. They are just as good as purchasing new--assembly required. I can only imagine what beautiful thing you are working on...
I too have been stash diving and lately ripping second hand store knitted items for the yarn.

Diana said...

Oh, cannot forget to compliment you on the bird photo. Very cute. I guess I forget about nature when I am talking about knitting.