Here you see Butters, the unfortunate fowl who was chosen as subject for my evening-time amusement.
On an unseasonably warm and rainy Wednesday, I thought I could bring you a dose of funtimes.
~Linkys with Randomness Connextions to Funtimes~
Style.com qualifies for the funtimes because it allows you to create your own login and "Lookbook", archiving your fashionistical tastes.
Etymology Online has edified me personally in regards to the lovely English language and how freakin1 weird it is.
1. 1563, "sudden turn of mind," probably related to O.E. frician "to dance". See more by following the link!
Zappos.com. You like shoes, you like here.
Etsy.com is fairly self-explanatory. Though I will add that sometimes it's very fun to just shop by colour.
(speaking of which...) Colour Lovers can play and have funtimes at COLOURlovers. Mood enhancement 101.
Some day I'd like to own a dog. Until that day, I have the Dog Breed Selector at Animal Planet (the best one I've ever come across!)
Great pic! Nice color combo....hmmmmm - new ideas for color work. lol.
Have you been to Polyvore.com and papernstitch.com yet?? More awesome fun! Although, considering the addictive properties of polyvore, you may not actually thank me. ;)
Online Etymology Dictionary, where have you been my whole life?!?! Honestly, I do not know how I have lived so long without that tool. Thank you so much for sharing all the linkiness! Funtimes indeed.
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