I've been whirring into high gear; these past few weeks have seen me book the dj (hooray!), choose a hairstyle with all your help, have a successful make-it-yourself-bouquet trial run and locate a seamstress who's doing a fantabulous job on my gown for a quarter of the price quoted by a local bridal shop.
But, as per usual, I have some questions for all you folks.
First, here's some images of my hoped-for hairstyle:

Yeah, I know they're practically the same thing, but what to do with the bangs?!
The part that appeals to me the most is the "thrown up-edness" of these two styles. That and the fact that it requires no imagination to foresee how my pretty little silk rose will look incorporated into the style.
Which brings me to my first advice-ask.
I've decided to add a wee bit of lace to the silk flower (how could I resist the idea of knitting for my wedding!)
The lovely task of choosing said lace has led me to a couple of patterns on Rav, including these three:
Lace edging is one of those things I thought I'd never get a chance to use, despite the fact that I find it very aesthetically pleasing and technically interesting. I thought I had oh so many lace designs in my mountainous knitting bibliothèque, but alas, there was nothing suitable within.
I didn't want anything with points that jut out too far (so the Belmina lace above is sort of pushing it) and I didn't think anything with a large repeat would look so great (but I am knitting it in a very fine laceweight, so I can get away with up to about 15-20 st repeat, methinks).
What to choose?
(The designer for the top two lace panels has many more if you follow the link. I'm always very happy to get some new ideas and fresh perspective).
And now for the second advice-ask.
I have the bonbonniere all lined up and ready for the adults (to be revealed on a future post), but it's occurred to me that it would be nice to have a little something for all the young children.
So, to parents out there: what do you think would be appropriate to include in a child's wedding favour?
My brainstorm so far has led me to:
-small pad of paper
-pencil (or maybe washable crayons)
-some sort of candy, like Smarties (or M&Ms, for my American friends out there)
-maybe a small toy?
I'm afraid I might be overeager and/or ignorant with my choices, so I deign to your wisdom!
I LOVE the edging with flowers and fans. So delicate and perfect for a wedding.
For the kids...I think the crayons and a small pad or coloring book would be fantastic. I'm not a parent, but I am a teacher and I know how hard it can be to occupy little hands and minds during a reception. So anything that would keep them busy and relatively quiet would be fantastic!
smarties or little bear candy I would say, no toys or paper. If there are plenty children they'll play together, no? Or they bring along their playstation-nintendo-stuff with all those weird noises. I would go for the first lace bit.
I love the hair! That first one is so perfect, a little bit messy, and thrown together in such a beautiful way. that's how I'd want my hair to look. I think the Hilton Lace is my favorite. But they're all so pretty. (i don't have any kids, so no help there)
I really love the flower and fan lace! It's so ethereal-looking. I think the idea of a kids' wedding favor is an excellent one, but I think it's worth thinking about whether you want young kids hyped up on sugar during the reception before you include candy in it. Unless it's the sort of favor that isn't opened during the event itself?
I think the Hilton lace would probably look best when attached to a flower. Love the hairstyles!
As for the kids, I'm not sure - but I think I'd go for the paper and crayons. Ideally they'll all play together, but if not, this would help.
Your hair is going to look SO pretty! I just love the look of both those hairstyles and they will look fantastic on you. For the lace edging, I vote for the Hilton lace. The Flowers/Fans one is gorgeous, but I'm afraid the intricate design would get lost since the flower will be the main focal point. The Hilton one is simple and pretty and I can totally see it twisted around a silk flower.
I don't have any kiddos, but it seems like the paper/crayons idea would be a hit (plus, what kid wouldn't appreciate the candy??). It will give them something to do if they get antsy...but hopefully they'll all be playing with each other or getting down on the dance floor!!
for the first, I'd choose the top lace pattern. It's striking and would show from a distance. The other two have such tiny details that would be lost to anoyone not standing on your toes, and you want to discouraging toe-stepping as much as possible on your day!!
For the second, if the reception is going to be outdoors or have a part where the children actually get to run around and play, a little tiny bottle of bubbles is the best! Its so fun and festive and beautiful for a wedding to see the airy bubbles floating on the air. Party shops sell these tiny ones for weddings so the kids get basically 2 or 3 bubble-blows and don't have enough in the bottle to make a mess.... if you want some and can't get them where you are, let me know....
I also really like the Hilton lace pattern.
I didn't bother with favors at my wedding, so I'm not much help there. But the children did mostly play together, and there was a fire pit outside where the boys congregated, you know, the ones who are ~10 and think weddings are dumb and girls are gross.
I vote for Hilton.
As for the kiddos, I love the idea of paper and crayons if you're distributing that during the ceremony. If you're looking for something after, then bubbles if outdoors and maybe disposable cameras (depending on how many and your budget) for either indoors or outdoors so they can play during the reception. If you are going with candy, I'd pass on the M&M's and anything else that is processed with nuts (yes, even plain M&M's are) since allergies are so prevalent.
I think your lace choice depends on the effect that you are going for. The top two seem very striking and will probably show up in farther away photos more. But the smallest one is very delicate and would be a nice balance to a very simple flower.
As for the party favors - no candy. We had candy at our wedding and it turned the children into sugar-crazed demons who then crashed halfway thru the reception causing some parents to have to leave early. At my brother's wedding they had a little bag for each kid with a small coloring book, some crayons and a small deck of cards. It really helped when they started to get bored.
If you dun mind the effort, knitting or crocheting little flowers and making them into corsages or hair bands for the little gals would make them feel so special!
No suggestions for the little boys though...sorry.
For under 5's a small book for parents to read to them- Shirley Hughes is my favourite..... the bubbles is a brilliant idea though maybe the venue might not like the idea if it turns out rainy and the bubbles get blown indoors.....
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