What do you knit when you need some good old-fashioned comforting?
Right now I'm buzzing on my go-to happy knitting: leagues and leagues of stockinette on circular needles.
*le sigh...
It's been a busy few weeks round here, and I expect it to keep up that pace for some time. I actually quite like being busy, but it never hurts to get some spare moments to oneself for knitting.
Now, where'd that stockinette go?
Incidentally, you may be wondering what's up with this pic here. I'm averse to a post sans pic. Methinks I'm a rather visual person...
Anyway, this is a silly sepia shot taken about a year ago with my cell phone camera. It's one of the more lushly covered buildings on campus, Hamilton Hall.
I hear you about the comfort of stockinette in the round- I love it! And I also agree that posts require pictures. Those vines are so lush!!
Nice mindless stockinette. Aaaaaahhh....
I'm glad to hear that you are fitting some time for knitting into your busy schedule. I find that knitting keeps me sane when I'm overscheduled and is very therapeutic -- not something I should drop when I have a lot going on.
I completely agree about the Stockinette comfort knitting! Garter works well for me, too.
Love the pretty photo! How cool it must be to attend class, work, or even walk by that building every day!
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