Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sometimes things don't always turn out the way you think they will.

Since I've spent the last year or so keeping you all updated about my wedding plans, I feel like I need to explain what will be a bit of silence on this blog. My fiance and I decided to cancel the wedding.

Thanks so much to everyone for your helpful advice, comments, insight and feedback as I've gone along this past year, planning and sharing with you.

I hope to be back soon.


juicyknits said...

Oh my, I hope this is for the best, whatever the reason for it is.

Sarah {The Student Knitter} said...

Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope it's the best thing for both of you. *big hugs*

deirdre said...

Oh, I am so sorry about this - I hope you're okay...

craftosaurus said...

I'm sorry you're going through a difficult time, and wishing you joy and good fortune when you make it to the other side.

kingshearte said...

Echoing the hopes that you're OK and that it all works out in the best way for both of you.

evergreenknits said...

Our thoughts are all with you -- hang in there! You just need to take care of yourself right now. We'll all be here when you feel like writing again.

Unknown said...

No explanations needed. Sorry it didn't work out as planned.

darlene mcleod said...

I'm so sorry to read this. I'll be thinking of you, and I'm wishing you the very best in your days and months to come.

lilirious said...

So sorry to hear this :( *hug*

Jan said...

Whatever you do, I'm thinking of you, and wishing you the very best.

Ellen said...

Hope you are doing well; I'll be thinking of you.

Krafty Like A Fox said...

Big hug. A change in plans can be so hard, even if it's for the best.

Carol said...


Sarah said...

I hope the two of you are ok.
Thinking happy thoughts at you. xoxo

ekittie said...

I don't really know what to say, but I hope things work out. Take care of yourself.

Jenni said...

So sorry to hear that. My fiance and I canceled our wedding (about 10 years ago) so I understand what you're going through. Follow your heart and remember its for the best. Take care...everything will work out.

Walden said...

I hope everything turns out for the best.

Kai said...


I hope you're ok. Will be thinking of you.

Fel said...

Hope you're okay...take care of yourself now!

Kat said...

I'm so sorry! Definately sending warm fuzzies your way! Take care of yourself.

yoel said...

Sigh. I hope everything turns out for the best for you!

Hilary said...

Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!! Whatever the reasons, even if it's for the best, this has got to be a difficult time, and I will definitely be thinking of you!!! Sending hugs and warm fuzzies your way...

Kathleen Dames said...

Oh, I'm so sorry and hope everything works out for the best for both of you in the long run.

julie mack said...

Just sending more support your way. Good luck!

Unraveling Sophia said...

Much love and hugs to you! Please feel free to write or PM is you want to talk. {{{hugs}}} said...

Big hugs to both of you! I'm so sorry you're going through a difficult time, my thoughts are with you.

Lauren said...

Best wishes regardless of the cause for cancellation. Hopefully you are doing alright!

At least you know you can always take comfort in knitting!

Sally said...

I'm sorry you have to go through such a sad thing. Thinking of you.

Umiko said...

I'm so sorry...

Clumsy Knitter said...

I'm sorry to hear that your plans have changed. I hope you're doing OK and that you come back to the blog when you're ready.

Anonymous said...

Big hugs

The Sweatshop of Love said...

I'm a little late but I hope it's all for the best! Remember everything happens for a reason and you'll work out what is best for you. Hang in there!

miastick said...

Many warm thoughts from Sweden! Hope you're ok.