Thanks so much to everyone for your wonderful suggestions on my last post! You've given me great ideas (added to the list are Purity, Hanami Stole, Onerva, Lumiruusu, Gail (aka Nightsongs), Sunshine and Shadows and Lady's Circular Cape.) - I'll divulge the final decision soon.
I got a few good questions and pointers too.
Which one best matches the wedding dress style?/Some might clash with lines of dress.
Unfortunately, the dress is not settled upon at the moment. Oscar de la Renta has a lurvely one, but, not having any pocket change totaling around $7,000, I'm going to have to come up with another solution!
And something I never thought of:
The shadow of the pattern on your skin can look like acne or other weird skin things, so beware.
Yikes! I'm very glad this point was mentioned. Skin rashes may not be the best look to be giving oneself.
In the meantime, thoughts now wander to the yarn. I'm treating myself to it (if it is discovered) at the much-anticipated Knitter's Frolic at the end of the month. I find it helpful to have a plan, even if a simple or sketchy one, upon entering any drool-inducing, yarn-filled fantasy land knitter convention. The focus keeps me from being overwhelmed by all the yarn and project possibilities.
FYI: the photograph shown here is a work by artist Arnauld Maggs. He took photographs of an original copy of Werner's Nomenclature of Colours (1821), where Werner is concerned with standardizing colour names for more accurate categorization in the science/biology/zoology fields. You can read more here, if you like.
ETA: Here's a DUH moment for you: the reason I've added this here particular picture is because the shawl will be red. Lovely, lovely red.
Sounds like you got some good food for thought - I can't wait to hear which one you choose to make!
I would never have thought of the shadow pattern on skin- what a great consideration!! I can't wait to see what you decided on.
- Julie
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