Friday, April 03, 2009

About Me and This Here Bloggy

Wee MeAs you can see, I've been rawking the needlecrafted garments since 1983.

I’m a self-professed magpie who is easily distracted by sumptuous yarn and constantly rifling through piles of paper and scribbling design ideas on them.
I am also apparently addicted to run on sentences; this may perhaps be traceable to my love of superfluous punctuation, general attraction to words and a dedication to delivering information in the most convoluted manner possible.

Oh yes, and perhaps you're interested in my knit cred.

I started learning from books about seven years ago. I quickly discovered that writing patterns was mondo fun, and so made the jump into the scary, scary design waters.

Got comments, questions, suggestions or just wanna drop me a line? You have a couple options:

Email me here: canarysanctuary at yahoo dot com

Message me on Rav here.


LittleCanoe said...

i also love run on sentences! hooray. i love the picture, what an outfit!

Sel and Poivre said...

I'm an almost lurker here at Canary Knits - I think I've left a comment or two, while admittedly reading every post - what strikes me about you and "this here bloggy" is how energetically you do everything - write, design, knit, profile designers. Its fun to follow your adventures - thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

You had me with your first