Saturday, September 11, 2010

The Case of the Camping Cat

I've been here, there and other whereabouts this summer.
I've got a few posts up my sleeve; thought I'd first share the tale of my (one time) feline roommate.

A rather unenthused Christmas gift recipient, my parent's cat Dante paid me a three day visit a few weeks ago. They were all off camping for the weekend, and said kitty cat would have been super unenthused to accompany them for the whole shebang.

So, to my apartment he went (and truly, reader, my bedroom/canary room he did not enter. My boys would have been super DUPER unenthused by his presence.)

I had a bit of fun confusing him with a singing, moving plastic American Goldfinch.



Then, for one night, he was toted along with me up to the campsite.


There was plenty a sight to be seen, but he was very happy indeed to chill in the trailer.

I, on the other hand, enjoyed my time canoeing.

Dad and brother take canoe off car.

CanaryLady takes arty shot of water.

Yet again, naked trees and cattails.

And the prettiness of roots half-submerged.


Hilary said...

Aww, Dante is so cute! I love that you took him to the cat would have totally freaked out, then thrown up all over everything. Looks like a fun camping trip, too!

Julie said...

Cats and camping!! hilarious. He's a cutie, that Dante!

Aesderina said...

what??!? that is so awesome!! I think if I took my cat camping.. she would hide into herself. she's such a pussy.. haha