I'm getting warmed from the chill in the air by just thinking about this post :)
Way back in the summer, there was the always fabulous (and sadly, only annual) tent sale at my LYS, The Needle Emporium.
Being the keener yarnnies that we are, three friends and I all arranged to be there at the very start. We were almost the very first people in line.
Evidence: see photo below.

We all made out like bandits. I had a dangerously full bag of Noro Silk Garden.
See my pretties below.

I'll take this opportunity to ask a wee poll:
How many of you have a LYS? Or, for those lucky ducks, more than one LYS?
What's your favourite yarn shop? Or, even better, your best experience in a shop?
i love my LYS! it's All Strung Out in Guelph, Ontario. It's still the best shop I've ever been in. This summer barely went a week without spending some time in the store--even when I missed the Thursday night Knit Night, I tried to pop in another time.
I buy most of my yarn there, and always have a lot of fun talking to whoever's in the shop at any time. I've taken classes at my LYS and sometimes just sit at the table, knitting and not buying anything, and I still am welcomed. it's the best!
right now i'm away from home but when i get back i know i'll be glad to see everyone again. i even sent them a postcard!
ooh, all that noro silk garden!! what a score.
Toronto has loads of knitting stores, but there isn't one that is near where I live. I find that the Naked Sheep seems super open and friendly to new people, though. Sometimes other stores, which are still wonderful, come off a bit clique-y. especially when there are knitters knitting there, and you walk in and they all turn to look at you, and the conversation immediately drops off.
My favourite yarn store is in the process of closing down...rent has got too high, and so she's closing. I'm really sad, since it was the one I always went to with my mum way back when she used to knit my stuff. I bought my very first yarn there. I loved chatting to the owner. Well, she's moving to somewhere about 2 hours away where she'll probably be holding weekend courses, so not all is lost.
There are two or three other places to get decent yarn in my town, so it's not like it's all over. Still, 'my' yarn store will be sorely missed. (She's having a 50% off-sale right now, and I've spent far too much money there the past week, but how could I not?)
There are actually two almost equidistant from my house. Yarn Forward looks cozier, and more like what you picture an LYS to be, but I find the staff... not quite intimidating, but not as friendly as I'd like.
The other is much less pretty, but I love the staff there. They're super friendly and more than happy to offer suggestions if you ask for them, or if you'd rather, they'll back off and let you browse, without making you feel like they're watching you like a hawk. I think their stock is largely discontinued stuff, too, so it's kind of like a whole store full of sale bin. Not great if you didn't buy enough the first time, but generally awesome.
There are 3 yarn shops within driving distance but I only really go to one, In The Making, since it's my favorite.
I don't really have ONE favourite yarn store.. they all have their own special something that they bring to the table. Really, I love them all!!
Mmm....Noro...nice haul!
There are a few yarn shops in San Francisco, but only one that I go to with any consistency -- Imagiknit. Most of the staff are extremely nice and helpful, but then there's the odd person who seems to look down their nose at everyone. My best experience might be from back in 2003 when I picked up the needles again after a long hiatus. A gal at a different yarn shop (called Atelier Yarns) spent the time teaching me how to cast on and purl, and sold me my first set of needles (not stolen from my grandma). That was awesome.
Sadly, I do not have a good LYS in my area. If I lived in Portland OR, Knit-Purl would be my LYS. I think they're great and I visit there every time I'm in Portland.
I only wish I had a LYS. There is a quilting store in the next bigger town over that has a limited selection of basic yarns, but for the most part I have to travel to buy yarn in a store.
I love the Knitter's Attic in Richmond Hill, Ontario, great selection of a variety of yarns, especially wools like Cascade 220. Needles & Knits in Aurora is a fun rambly old farmhouse stuffed to the brim with all sorts of new and old yarns from all over. Serenity Knits in Newmarket is a very well-kept, friendly, and meticulously clean store.
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