Pattern: Amie Mitts
Yarn: Mini Mochi, 2 hanks, colour 102 ("Flame Rainbow")
A good friend, who knew I was feeling down and out, gifted me this lovely yarn. The thoughtful, unexpected gift made me really want to make something cute and highly usable, so a pair of long-cuffed mitts it was!

I decided to christen these pretties "Amie" Mitts. It makes me smile whenever I put them on :)
If you've never knit a pair of long-cuffed mitts, let me tell you, they're super fun, nice and warm, and offer so many luscious possibilities for modding and creative design.
Ya'll may be seeing more long-cuffed mitts in the near future!
Now, obviously, I've already run out and bought two more hanks of Mini Mochi (colour 123 this time, "Brandied Apricots"!)
Oh my, this yarn. It's soft, and the colour transitions are so much fun. Mini Mochi would make a lovely (if very delicate) pair of socks!
I'm already slightly concerned about certain wear-points on the mitts (namely, the tip of the thumb). I hope it'll stand up to many winters' worth of use.