Thursday, July 13, 2006

Book Review: "Stitch n' Bitch"

Book Review: "Stitch n' Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook" by Debbie Stoller

My love of knitting began with this book. I was always a crafty/artsy sort of person, and so naturally drawn to knitting I decided to teach myself (and truly, I was living under a rock and entirely unaware of the "knit-revolution" going on around me). I came across this book, with it's clear instructions, helpful illustrations and projects geared towards learning (and a few with rather instant knit-gratification). I was in love.
I've made many of the projects from this book (and Stoller's others as well). It's a great introduction to the knitting world, if at this point getting slightly dated (I know, I know, it's only 2 years old, but the times are moving fast!)
I haven't come across a more fun, clear and interesting introductory book to knitting than this. Definately a great starter for any knitter-in-training!

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