Or so photobucket tells me.
I'm being slapped on the wrist for exceeding bandwith.
So I bring you a photo of flowers as apology and photobucket subversion (it's not that subversive, it's just from another photobucket account :P)
Though the ugliness makes me very sad, I'll still be blogging.
Come back tomorrow for your regularly scheduled SummerFuntimes Giveaway!
ps: If you click on where a photo should be, you'll get sent to a link so you can see it.
You gotta start using Flickr!! I used to use Photobucket, but I have loved Flickr everything. Costs the same to upgrade (totally worth it to me), and I know you're already using it for Ravelry anyway!
Boo on photobucket. I'll second Wendy's Flickr endorsement. I just upgraded to Flickr Pro (something I had been avoiding for about a year because I hate paying for things like that) and it has been totally worth it.
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