Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sprouting, Sewing and Stitching

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You see here before you the evidence of my plant-nurturing, and possibly the reversal of an historically black thumb (or, the touch of death for plants).
My Marigolds and Assylum are growing!

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With north-facing windows shaded by an over-hanging balcony, these suckers have got to be hardy. I only hope I have pretty blooms to make my outdoors more pleasant than the nasty flying, cooing rats make it now.

I've been up to more than plant-growing. Here be my first homey sewing project. A throw pillow case WIP:

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WIP in that I've yet to sew up the final edge. I was fighting with my sewing machine
last night. It may not look like much to you, but I've the feeling of pride swelling in me heart, and now a pretty place to rest my head. One side of the pillow is just a lucky shade of yellow that matches the front quite nicely. The front you see pictured here was a piece of fabric I received in a swap from Portugal. I love the fat little birds on it - they remind me of my Butters (who is yet to join me in Les Digs Nouveau). Terrible French, I know.

Another product of fighting with said sewing machine (who has yet to be named, but I'm afraid a distinct personality may be emerging) is this guy:

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May not look like much yet, but I be tres proud indeed of my rotary-cutting, seam- sewing and instruction-following skills! More to follow because, hell, that quilting is absolutely addictive! I was up til midnight working on that star.

It's good to be back baby!


Anonymous said...

Those look very good! I love that star! What is it going to be? You could put some sashing on it and make it another pillow case....

Teresa said...

Good point! I had high hopes of making a blanket, but I really need a pillow case more than a blanket. Plus, methinks I'm running out of fabric to match!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new digs! And your sewing looks terrific. I may have to try to make friends with my mom's sewing machine. I am terrible at cutting, but I understand that rotary cutters are much easier.

Teresa said...

Yes - I love the rotary cutter! I'm so glad I picked one up. There's no way I could do all that cutting with regular scissors.

Anonymous said...

And cover those plant up! You don't think those pigeons won't try to eat them? Becsaue you'd be wrong. Very wrong.

Teresa said...

Damn pigeons! Well, whenever they do go outside, I'll keep them safe. I'm not providing those stupid filth rats with snacks.

Susan said...

Even though I'm a knitter over a quilter (no evidence even showing up on my blog), it can be very addictive for sure. My first real project was a King Size quilt and I finished it in 9 days due to 3:00 am sessions. Your's is looking good so far and starting to take shape.

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