Here it is, my completed Lady E! I really love it. After the first round or two it started to get very repetitive and boring, but I'm very glad I finished it. Eight balls of Noro Silk Garden 208. The fringe is my favourite part.
At first I didn't care much for the reverse side, being a bit "unfinished" or "rustic" as the pattern warns, but now I think I prefer it to the front side.
While I won't be making another one of these any time soon, I can now at least say that I've conquered entrelac. (still not sure about the green on me, but it's my latest yarn colour phase.)
Wow! I LOVE IT..and the colors are awesome as well!
I tried to start this project when the book first came out (what is that? 2 years ago?) and then I promptly frogged and put the yarn away.
Now that I have a few years of knitting under my belt, I feel more confident about this project..and I got the beautiful Noro silk garden in my stash patiently waiting.
I got to get this one on the needles some time soon..
Happy Holiday's by the way =)
I love the colorways!
Congratulations, it is a total hit!
Doesn't it strike you how after finishing a FO you feel an urge to start some other new project?!
Hope you are having happy holidays and A Happy New Year to You!
Thanks so much everyone!
S, I certainly will bring the book for the next meeting!
Oh, I wish I could complete a project and then start a new one! I've got far too many on the go. :)
That is gorgeous!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
A bit delayed, I had a look at the finished Lady E.: your colourway is stunning!
As it is so bright, I'd wear it with something simple and dark...nothing could steal the show from such a shawl :)
And by the way, happy belated birthday :)
Thanks! I can't wait til the weather gets cool again so I can wear it :)
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