I'm finally going to experience the consta-lauded, much-anticipated, always-venerated Rhinebeck Sheep and Wool Festival.
I'm not new to attending knitting fairs, but by all accounts, this is a festival like no other. I'm pretty dern excited, and I'll tell you why:
This is going to be a superawesomesauce road trip for me and three other knitting buds. The Orange Beast1 is up for the haul. I've done over 6 hours of straight driving before, but that was all within Canada. Crossing the border is new! So, that orange car with the Ontario license plate? That's us.2
As a big fan of cute animals (especially dumb cute animals), I look forward to meeting a few of the ovine persuasion. And, if anyone of you will be there, please say hi! Fair warning, you might have to pull me away from whatever shiny thing I'm fawning over at the time!
1 The Orange Beast is my fantastico car. Guess my favourite colour?
2 I've coordinated with all the other orange-car drivers in Ontario - they're not going. I have the market cornered on Ontario orange cars.
Wool & wool festival & roadtrip! What a fantastic combo! So jealous over here. :)
It's not because I'm jealous that I'm asking what about Indie Designer Day?
Driving up to Rhinebeck for my first time tomorrow - maybe I see you but I may also be drooling over wool and not be able to pay any attention to my surroundings otherwise ;-)
Yay! I'm driving up from NYC (in a red Mini Zipcar). Hope to see you there!
(Ok, I think blogger just ate my comment but can't be sure, so I apologize if you already got a similar version of this...)
Have FUN!!! I am hoping to get out there myself one day, but will have to live vicariously through you for now. I hope you have lots of pictures to share when you get back!!
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