Friday, December 14, 2007

Canaries deserve Christmas too

And here they are with their stockings:
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A reluctant Ives and his stocking.

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A very worried Butters and his stocking.

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Hilts, checking out his stocking.

Now that a winter storm is here, I settle down into my warm bed for some sleep.
And the boys on their perches, spheres of feathery cuteness.


Anonymous said...

Cute!!! It is nice to see someone else obsessed with their pets! My dog has his own stocking hanging on the chimney, too!

Teresa said...

Thanks :) I just wish they weren't afraid of their stockings :p
They also have gifts - a little beak block for each as a treat. They won't get it til Christmas Eve, though!

Unraveling Sophia said...

I love seeing your canaries! I had two - Onan, who lived for 7 years, and Joy who lived for 5. They were wonderful singers! Yours are beautiful...

Teresa said...

Thanks sophia. I like that name Onan. It's cute :) My boyfriend wanted to name one of the boys Onan. I love that joke, seed-spilling feather-pantsed yellow men :o

Unraveling Sophia said...

you're the only person I know who has ever gotten the joke! :) Not many old-testament or Dorothy Parker-reading reading kids around...