Or, in this case, two scarves abounds.
Can just two scarves abound?

Pattern: Lady Eleanor, from "Scarf Style"
Yarn: Noro Silk Garden, #245 , 4 skeins
As you can see, it's wee. Using only 4 skeins left me with enough to make fringe, and a scarf that can wrap around my neck once. Usually I prefer longer scarves, but the colours on this Noro are too beautiful to pass up (and, truth be telt, I cut out one of the colours. For shame! you shout, and wave your fist in the air. Noro knows what it's doing when it so artistically, beautifully and sophisticatedly combines it colours into a palette which ensues to dance with chromatic delight on the rods and cones of the viewer's eye. This is true. But it is also true that I dislike baby blue.)

Pattern: Knitty's Clapotis
Yarn: Noro Kureyon, #164 , 4 skeins
I made it thinner according to the instructions so thoughtfully included in the pattern by the designer.

Pattern: Hurry-Up-Spring Armwarmers from Stitch n' Bitch Nation
Yarn: Noro Kureyon (and you'll have to forgive me, I can't recall the colour)
I started these many, many moons ago and only just finished off the thumb tonight. I've yet to decide if they're destined for a Christmas gift. The colours are very particular - not sure I can rightly pick who'd like them!

Can just two scarves abound?

Pattern: Lady Eleanor, from "Scarf Style"
Yarn: Noro Silk Garden, #245 , 4 skeins
As you can see, it's wee. Using only 4 skeins left me with enough to make fringe, and a scarf that can wrap around my neck once. Usually I prefer longer scarves, but the colours on this Noro are too beautiful to pass up (and, truth be telt, I cut out one of the colours. For shame! you shout, and wave your fist in the air. Noro knows what it's doing when it so artistically, beautifully and sophisticatedly combines it colours into a palette which ensues to dance with chromatic delight on the rods and cones of the viewer's eye. This is true. But it is also true that I dislike baby blue.)

Pattern: Knitty's Clapotis
Yarn: Noro Kureyon, #164 , 4 skeins
I made it thinner according to the instructions so thoughtfully included in the pattern by the designer.

Pattern: Hurry-Up-Spring Armwarmers from Stitch n' Bitch Nation
Yarn: Noro Kureyon (and you'll have to forgive me, I can't recall the colour)
I started these many, many moons ago and only just finished off the thumb tonight. I've yet to decide if they're destined for a Christmas gift. The colours are very particular - not sure I can rightly pick who'd like them!

Oh, such beautiful seasonal knitting!! That's the prettiest Lady Eleanor I've seen yet. I love Silk Garden myself, but often skip colours in their patterns just like you did. I'm making the Spring Forward Fall Back Sweater with it right now as a Christmas gift for my sister and am completely cutting out the flat mud-clay brown and keeping the richer tones..... so, no fist-waving here! Knit on!
Ah, excellent! Glad I'm not the only Noro-critic out there. Critic in the very best of senses... critique, even!
The armwarmers are color 88. Good thing I work in a yarn store I guess if for any reason other than that. Pretty. Can't really see the cables in your pic-- but I'm sure they're fab.
Thanks! You rule school. That's some damn find product knowledge.
Too bad about the cable pics - my wee sister better like these suckers.
Beautiful colourways and fantastic pattern matching! They look great!
Whoever gets those gifts will be lucky indeed!
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