In a slight departure from the norm, I've decided to take time to discuss my non-crafting life.
I need to say thank you to all those who've responded so kindly to my Alatus pattern. It feels good to have my 15 minutes of knitting superstar fame.
In another announcement, I'm currently gathering, furiously researching, industriously copying, recipes and ideas for a smashing-good Thanksgiving dinner. I'll all grown up now, with my apartment digs and all. It's time to step into the wide-world of meat preparation.
(and yes, fair readers: I do realize that it is in fact not yet October. I just lurves that month the most. Even better than September. Which really kicks ass).

a bit of pride and joy: my Morning Glories, they don't be dead!
In yet another announcement, I'll be off in a week to see our country's fair capital. I hope to return refreshed and ready to brine that damn turkey and cook that pumpkinny pie.
(a slightly unrelated tid-bit: did you know that us "ethnic" people don't like pumpkin pie? So I was told, by some woman who I used to work with. When offering desserts at a Christmas staff luncheon, she informed me of this afore-unknown gem. Well, I'm so glad racism is alive and thriving under the guise of multiculturalism here today.)