Draped around the shoulders, for a bold look with attitude.

Or my preferred way to wear - around the neck, as a gigantic scarf.

This way is great. It allows for maximum neck warm-age, and if the weather turns truly inclimate the wearer can pull one of the folds of the scarf up over the head.
All other "regular" scarves seem far too puny to me now. Lady E trumps them all. That is why I'm debating the CO for another. I'm "researching" yarns. Hemming and hawing over some Patons SWS (don't really love any of their colourways). I'm open to any suggestions re: self-striping yarns that's worsted or heavier weight.
we could do one together! We could go and "research" yarns with Julie! Oh lets do it!
Oooo, that sounds like great "research" to me. I loves KALs, and I's really loves the Needle Emporium! Let's make a hot date :o
That is so beautiful! I still have my yarn marinating in the stash waiting for it's day. I want to make one of these so badly! Maybe after I get booted out of sock madness.
I am working on a lace entrelac shawl right now, and I am loving it! I think I may be an entrelac junkie now!
I really like entrelac too. Very um... monotonous. In a good way!
Your Lady E looks great all of the ways you modelled it!! You are definitely an overachiever to jump right in knitting another one! I'm still trying to overcome the fear of hemp-related injuries to make another Eiffel (in XS this time!)
Ooo, I had cotton-related injuries, and have been scared off the %100 cotton for almost a year now. I'm getting over it, though (and I'm sure you'll get over the hemp-avoidance too).
Thanks so much, the pattern is so awesome! When I find a good one, I like to have multiples. Makes me feel more secure when I wear it, that if, horrifically, it has an encounter with scissors, or spaghetti sauce, I don't have to fall on the ground and start crying on the spot!
It may be a bit late, but...just wanted to recommend the Rowan Tapestry for a Lady E. I am doing one right now (colourway antique)with needles 4mm and it's brilliant :)
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