I was fortunate enough to be asked to participate in a "historic day" of sorts - an event held by one of the local museums I work for, wherein they have folks dressed up in costume, performing historic tasks (of which spinning and knitting are one!)
You know, of course, this is an opportunity I would jump at. Playing dress up for a beautiful afternoon? Yes please!
They even had some delicious scones and jam for us all to nibble on - these being the BEST scones I've ever had! I've been promised the recipe. If this ever passes into my hungry little hands, I'll be sure to post it :)

A few days ago I got the rather exciting phone message that I would be "situated with the spinners, next to the sheep, ducks and rabbits".
It takes a special breed of person to be excited by this news.
And I was über excited when I found out that these were no ordinary bunnies. I saw me some famous rabbitry (the stars of the Telus commercials!) as well as a pair of angoras, one of whom was kind enough to pose for the camera.
Tofu, seen right, is an English Angora - a show bunny, thank you very much!
And yes indeed, the spinners next to me were spinning with some of Tofu's donated fur.

The sweet wee duckies (who's breed I have sadly forgotten) were not as inclined to pose, but damn if they aren't totally cute.
Incidentally, it was a self-made, first-sewn garment that I wore on the day (of which I have no presentable photographs). It was supposed to be my Halloween costume for last year, but I chickened out in the end (thinking I'd be the only one dressed up at the party).
It's a Regency-style dress, not really all that historically accurate, but easy enough to sew. I felt oh-so-Austen.
Hope you all had a happy weekend too!